Wednesday, September 23, 2009

chapter 5

Because order was lost and he needed to get it back. Who is wondering at night and if there really is a beastie and to all get along. I feel like ralph has no right to boss me around! I want to short on him! I am taking control of some of the kids and i think sometime in the near future i will turn most against ralph and no one is listening to him anyways and now he is talking about giving up being the chief so if i become chief i will have full control! The littluns cry in there sleep in fear of the beastie and seeing it, feeling its presents, hearing it, and thats why i will use that to my advantage by telling them that i can protect them from it and then they will come to me and stray from ralph. he is afraid that he might be next because he was the next to see it. Our dirtiest trait is that we are all evil and it is not cancer or drugs it is evil that will kill us.

I hate ralph because he bosses me around as if he is better than me and turned some of the other boys against me.