Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Chapter 11: CASTLE ROCK

He tells ralph to go to the savage tribe and show it to jack to show that their tribe is more civilized and has order and that jacks tribe are just a bunch of savages. Piggy tells jack is it more important to get rescued or just eat, is it better to have rules and agree or just kill things like uncivilized people. Ralph declares that there is an assembly and then he blows the conch as hard as he can and he blows for as long as he can and then jack and roger bring out their spears and then jack tries poke ralph in the chest.  Roger and jack asked them what are you doing here and threatened them. jack had just been tying up the Littleun and torturing him and stealing the glasses and making the fire. Ralph calls jack a savage  and a "thief,thief" and then the tribe began to go in a charging formation. Samneric Started to look at ralph differently because before they weren't sure about him being leader after he let things get out of control so simon died. Wile every one else was fighting Roger is putting all of his weight on the leaver to drop the boulder and then it runs over piggy and crushes him and makes him fly 40 feet and him and the conch both explode. 
I think that it was fiscally roger who killed piggy but jack said that he meant to do that and i also think it was the rest of the boys faults to because they just sat there and watched it happen and i think the worst part is, is that roger and jack didn't care at all and the conch is now gone which means that all order on the island is lost.     

P.S. I think jack is a dumb person.